Dear god, James. The production value to topicality ratio is near perfect on this one.
Dear god, James. The production value to topicality ratio is near perfect on this one.
This lil guy always leaves me with a smile.
Really, really cool variety in the visuals here. Had to rewatch it because I was just paying attention to the animation without following the plot the first time through.
This is definitely a video. 100%
Even just a little work adding sound effects to this would make it a lot better. It's decently animated as it is, just is kinda lacking without some noise.
I'm not really sure what happened there but the characters were well drawn at least.
Decently animated, has a very Darkar energy just with slightly fewer cum jokes lol
And thats I good thing. I´m not 14 anymore haha
More of a Youtube meme than something that should go on the portal.
I can kinda get what you're going for here but it really lacks some needed polish.
The volumes on the voice work fluctuate all over the place to the point of being inaudible at times to speaker breakingly loud if you've turned things up to hear the quieter bits.
The jokes the played out were decently set up and the comedic pacing was actually alright, just that the jokes themselves weren't super original.
Thank you for your constructive criticism! I’ll try my best to do better next time! My young brother and I tried making this, so it’s not surprising to me that some things wouldn’t be perfect.
Joined on 6/20/08